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PD. Dr. Heiko Stüber

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg



Heiko Stüber studied industrial engineering (Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing.) at the University of Kaiserslautern, where he received his diploma in 2006. From 2007 to 2010, he worked as a research assistant at Leibniz Universität Hannover. From 2008 to 2011, he was a fellow of the joint graduate program of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) and the School of Business and Economics at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU). Since 2010, he has been a senior researcher at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). In 2012, Heiko Stüber received his doctorate (Dr. oec.) from the University of Hohenheim. From 2015 to 2020, he was PI at the Chair of Macroeconomics (Prof. Dr. Christian Merkl, FAU) within the DFG Priority Program "The German Labor Market in a Globalized World" (SPP 1764). In 2021, Heiko Stüber habilitated at FAU (Venia Legenda in Economics and Econometrics).