Prof. Regina T. Riphahn, Ph.D. University of Erlangen-Nuremberg | |
Regina T. Riphahn studied at the Universities of
Cologne, Sussex (U.K.), and Bonn. She received an
M.B.A. at the University of Tennessee, a Ph.D. in
economics at the University of North Carolina in
1995 and completed her habilitation in 1999 at
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. From 2000
to 2001 she taught at the University of Mainz as
an Associate Professor of Economic Policy. From
2001 to 2005 she headed the statistics and
econometrics group at the University of Basel
(Switzerland). Since April 2005 she holds the
chair for Statistics and Empirical Economics at
the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Her research interests are in applied microeconometrics, personnel, labor, social policy, and education economics. Regina T. Riphahn is a fellow of IZA and CESifo, and a research professor of DIW Berlin. She has published in journals such as the Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Development Economics, and the Journal of Human Resources. She received a Fulbright grant, the UNC Lurcy Fellowship, a prize for the best paper written with the GSOEP data since 1984 and the Felix Büchel Award. She served in the Swiss council of economic advisors, the council of the European Society of Labour Economists (EALE), of the German Economic Association, and as the treasurer of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE). She headed the scientific council of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (2005-2007), is the coordinator of the Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics, and a member of the scientific advisory council at the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. |